In his over 4o years producing and reporting, Martin Smith has covered the world: from revolution in Central America and the fall of communism in Russia, to the rise of Al Qaeda and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the inside story of the global financial meltdown. Smith has often been ahead of the news curve. He was among the first journalists to investigate Col. Oliver North’s clandestine Contra arms network and one of the first western reporters to investigate the emergence of Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaeda network. His most recent production is FRONTLINE’s two hour […]
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Marcela Gaviria is a journalist and filmmaker with Rain Media in New York City. Over the past two decades she has produced over 50 hours of programming for FRONTLINE (PBS), covering the rise of Al Qaeda, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the culture of risk taking on Wall Street, America’s heroin epidemic, and the crackdown on undocumented immigrants under the Trump Administration. Gaviria has earned every award in broadcast journalism multiple times, including eight Emmys, four Peabody’s, two Dupont Columbia Gold batons and two silver batons, four Writers Guild Awards, four Overseas Press Club Awards, a Robert F. Kennedy […]
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Scott Anger is a three-time Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker, photographer and journalist focused on stories about human rights, food security and the natural environment. Assignments have taken him to more than 50 countries over the past 30 years. Much of his work examines the implications of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Scott began his career as an independent photojournalist working on assignment for publications such as TIME, Sports Illustrated, The New York Times, National Geographic Traveller, US News & World Report, The Washington Post, The Associated Press and The Fresno Bee. Along with his photography he produced audio […]
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Elizabeth Hope Williams is a filmmaker with Rain Media based in the Catskills and NYC. Elizabeth joined Rain Media in 2022 as an associate producer for their three-part documentary series America and the Taliban, which investigates how America’s 20-year investment in Afghanistan culminated in Taliban victory after two decades of mistakes, miscalculations, and hubris. Elizabeth comes from a theatrical background as a performer, writer, and collaborator. Her interest lies in the partnership between language, movement, and imagery to communicate a narrative of shared human experience. Elizabeth recently co-produced the two-hour documentary “China, the U.S. and the Rise of Xi Jinping.” […]
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Brian Funck is an editor and producer of award-winning documentaries for film and television. Recent projects include the three-part series, My Brother’s Bomber, which won two Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Investigative Journalism. Brian was an editor and co-producer of the PBS-Frontline documentaries, Confronting ISIS and Separated: Children at the Border, both of which won a Peabody Award. He was lead editor on the six-part Netflix series, Who Killed Malcolm X? (Emmy nomination), which was instrumental in reopening the assassination case and led to the exoneration of two men who’d been wrongly convicted and imprisoned over fifty years earlier. Brian was editor and co-writer of I.M. Pei: Building China Modern for […]
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Hoda Osman is a producer and reporter with Rain Media. As an investigative journalist, producer, and editor based in New York City, Osman focuses on international and cross-border investigations. In addition to her work with Rain Media and FRONTLINE (PBS), she serves as Executive Editor for Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ), where she leads collaborative investigative projects and trains journalists across the Arab-speaking world on investigative journalism. Her recent work includes The Gaza Project, a project coordinated by Forbidden Stories involving 50 journalists from 13 media outlets about the targeting of Palestinian journalists by the Israeli military. As part […]
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