Hoda Osman is a producer and reporter with Rain Media. As an investigative journalist, producer, and editor based in New York City, Osman focuses on international and cross-border investigations. In addition to her work with Rain Media and FRONTLINE (PBS), she serves as Executive Editor for Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ), where she leads collaborative investigative projects and trains journalists across the Arab-speaking world on investigative journalism.
Her recent work includes The Gaza Project, a project coordinated by Forbidden Stories involving 50 journalists from 13 media outlets about the targeting of Palestinian journalists by the Israeli military. As part of the project, she co-reported a piece for The Guardian, ‘An incredible loss for Palestine’: Israeli offensive takes deadly toll on journalists. Osman’s work has been recognized with multiple award nominations and wins. The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) selected The Gaza Project as one of the best investigative stories in the Middle East in 2024.
Osman also worked on the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ (ICIJ) project Trafficking Inc., reporting with NBC News and The Guardian on an exposé of labor violations against Nepali workers at Amazon facilities in Saudi Arabia. Following the report, Amazon claimed it had paid $1.9 million in compensation to affected workers, though a recent follow-up investigation found that the promise was not fully realized.
Osman has also worked as a reporter and producer for France24, contributing to investigative films including Your Face Is Ours, which uncovered facial recognition technology’s vast and unregulated expansion and its implications for privacy and human rights. The film was awarded the prestigious FIGRA award. She also worked on an investigative film about Chinese oil companies polluting West Kordofan, Sudan, where a surge in diseases, miscarriages, and birth defects has been observed.
Previously, Osman was a field producer with the ABC News Investigative Unit, a consultant for the CBS News Investigative Unit, and a field producer with APTN in Cairo. She holds a BA in journalism and an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the American University in Cairo.
She is a co-founder and was president of the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) from 2011 to January 2025.